• Software localization
  • Teaching of informatics and programming
  • E-learning and standards
  • Informatics terminology
  • Base of Lithuanian terms
  • Computerization of linguistic researches

Scientific theme conducted in 2006-2008:


The main goal of the theme:
To investigate the issues of the content formation of electronic teaching and learning, to draw attention to the interaction, functionality, and localization peculiarities of its segments. To prepare the solutions to deal with these issues as well as implement them in Lithuania; to publish relevant scientific and methodical articles.

Scientific theme conducted by Computer Linguistics Team in 2005-2007:


At the beginning of 2005 the Lithuanian Terms’ base has included approx. 250 000 of terms gathered from 24 term dictionaries of various fields. In Lithuania there are several hundreds of normative and educational dictionaries of various science fields as well as several Lithuanian encyclopedias published. It is highly important to transmit all the terms included in the above mentioned sources to terms’ base so they could be accessible to users. In order to accomplish this task additional researches are being performed; besides methodical and programmable tools that will allow making the transmission of the dictionaries’ data to terms’ base more efficient are being designed. Moreover, the methodical and technological tools intended to find and correct the emergent data mistakes are being created as well.

Works performed in 2005:

  1. Systematization of the main terms and phrases of the software under localization as well as preparation of the explanatory dictionaries of computer lexis.
  2. Analysis of software internationalization and establishment of the criteria.
  3. Beginning of the exploratory work for the peculiarities of the localization of internet software
  4. Settlement of the education course in information technologies and selection of the appropriate software.

Works performed in 2004:

  1. Research on open source software: exploration of virtual learning environments and applications on different subjects as well as their localization issues (advantages and disadvantages).
  2. Localization of browser “Mozilla” (version 1.7.3) and its strain “FireFox”, browser “Opera”, download manager “Leechget”, keyboard simulator “Tuxtype”, and office suite “” (version 1.1.3).
  3. Creation of “Free Pascal” programming system.
  4. Development of the strategy on IT implementation in education for 2005-2007 as well as Information technologies general programs and educational standards.

Works performed in 2003:

  1. Exploration of the current situation of software Lithuanization as well as the peculiarities and norms of locale.
  2. Systematization of the main terms and phrases of localized software; preparation of the dictionaries.
  3. Preparation of IT teaching model for schools, creation of methodical material, and exploration of the possibilities of programming teaching in comprehensive schools.
  4. Research on IT, virtual learning environments implementation, and provision of educational computer applications in Lithuanian comprehensive schools; preparation of proposals concerning the order of provision of educational computer software for schools.
  5. Exploration of liberalization issues of telecommunication market as well as questions of development of universal facilities in Lithuania, which may influence the student possibilities to use computer nets in schools and at home.

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Informatics Methodology Department. Updated: 04-04-2005