1. ICT and Informatics in a Globalized World of Education (16-19 August 2011)
  2. MCCSIS (2011)
  3. ITiCSE'10. Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (2010)
  4. ICER'10. International Computing Education Reasearch Workshop (2010)
  5. SIGCSE'10. Computer Science Education (2010)
  6. ISAGA. International Simulation ans Gaming Assocation. The 39th Conference (2008)
  7. 7th European Conference on e-Learning (2008)
  8. IT-2007 studentų konferencija (Kaunas) (2007)
  9. Technology Revisited (2006)
  10. ISSEP, Vilnius, Lithuania (2006)
  11. IMRP, Vilnius, Lithuania (2006)
  12. Innovative Teachers Forum Worldwide. Redmond, Washington, USA (2005)

Vilniaus universiteto Matematikos ir informatikos instituto Informatikos metodologijos skyrius
Atnaujinta 2012-02-15